About this website

About this website


Carbon Help is a website where you can find tailored climate tips based on your location and type of living in Finland. The tips will help you mitigate climate change, save natural resources, and prevent the loss of biodiversity while living, renovating or building. You can make your own personal check list of climate tips and share them to your friends for inspiration.


out at an alarming rate. Our ways of living are not on a sustainable level. Although the situation is critical, much remains repairable – without compromising comfortability or costs. The solutions offered often improve the quality and reduce the cost of living. Both great and small measures are needed in the daily lives of consumers as well as in global politics and economy.

For whom?

Buyers, renovators and builders of apartments and houses; summer cottage users; and all residents from couch potatoes to DIY activists. There is no single correct way or place to live but various solutions for different environments, houses and households to mitigate climate crisis and reduce the carbon footprint.


Carbon Help is an online service produced by the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation / Suomen Luonto magazine, the Finnish Ministry of Environment, and the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. Text content produced by Pekka Hänninen / IAH Architects, illustrations by Jolanda Jokinen, and website by Janne Ahvo / DDR.