Take a stand on land use

Take a stand on land use

Land use planning is a multiphase process which you can best influence by learning, engaging and expressing your opinion. Land use is planned on a regional, general and local level. The general master plan is for the municipal level, and the local plans specify it in more detail. The local plan or its alteration may concern a rather small area, such as a park or a plot.

If a land use plan is pending, you can send your opinion to the authority responsible about conservation needs, for example. It is best to present your opinion in writing.

If a land use plan proposal has been published and you find it problematic, you can send a remark to the authority. The stakeholders include the local residents and communities, institutes or foundations located in the municipality, as well as those who own or manage real estate property in the area. The remark must be sent in writing within a time limit.

Once the plan has been published, you can still issue a civil complaint within 30 days of approval.